I didn't like our song this year! It might sound strange, but I was thankful to all countries that didn't give a voice to us, because it was a chance to show our judges, presidents etc. that they should change their approach to the Eurovision. We just copy songs from last year's winner. It's not good. We have to work on songs that have great chance to win!
I was not a big fan of Croatia this year, sorry. It took me a long time for it to come to my mind. Is not the song was bad is that there was so many Rock bands that it din't really shine through. I think Drangonfly's lead singer does have a great voice though.
Change is not merely necessary to life. It is life.
Ok then lol I don't like ofending anyone. That tends to happen with ESC I see through a channel from Spain and I always hope they come up with something good but the last three years have really not been good at all. There where a lot of other good songs the competition was fierce.
Change is not merely necessary to life. It is life.
Sorry guy for this but I just have to right something for Louie. Louie, meni pesma i njie bas nesto.Mislim da bi bolje bilo da je Antonija isla.Njena pesma mi je bas lepa.Svaki put me rasplace.Od Dade Topica sam prosle godine ocekivala vise.Ipak je on pevac sa iskustvom i moze on bolje.Pre 3 godine sam navijala za Borisa jer ga obozavam.Zao mi je sto lose prosao.Inace sam upoznata sa vecinom pesama koje su predstavljale Hrvatsku i mislim da su ranije pesme bile bolje.