Koldun is planning to conntinue his creative growth. In 2008 he's going to make a clip and finish album recording. He's going to give performances on a tour, record new compositions, make new clips. He get invitations not only from CIS(Commonwealth of Independent States) but even from America
YESSSSSSSS FINALLY he will have another video clip and an album hopefully. so maybe it will be a summer album, i hope we don't have to wait until the end of the year for it!!!
of course we will all have his album. we can probably download it from the internet. i hope he has some songs in english and some in russian! what does everyone think will be on it? maybe work your magic, reality of dreams, ya ne umru???
oh, the promo cd i have. it is a cd with 9 versions of work your magic. there are also pens, little chocolates, keyrings, t-shirts with koldun, t-shirts with his face, hats and the "chocolate magic box."
of course, i got all his esc stuff in helsinki. i love them so much but he has no album. where is this biography that sais he has an album? is it on a website or something?