At the end of February in Moscow passed the surveys of Dmitriy koldun's clip to the song "tsarevna". These are the new producer work of Vitalius the "flies" Of mukhametzyanova, which removed video for such projects as "pilot", "kipelov", "chayF" and other artists.
The prehistory of "tsarevna" is such: once Of dima saw on teliku fascinating young bryunetku, which played on the flute. The means of girl literally captivated Koldun.
However, the worshippers Of dimy let are not disturbed: this love-story - altogether only scenic basis for the new clip. On the subject, in the "tsarevna" constantly is present this "the girl- vision". Mary carried out its role. Several days in succession Koldun disappeared on surveying area. The work on video was wrapped up by the most serious testing: for artist it was necessary to master ekstrim-bayk and to learn to box.
During the first day they removed in the underground garage, where was priparkovan black sport "Dukati". Pomoshniki of director diligently flooded polgarazha from the buckets, since according to producer concept Dima had to swiftly start from the garage - at breakneck speed, under the roar of cursor and in the shroud of the drops raised by wheels.
"I adore adrenaline, which is capable to present only motorcycle to man, but to sport baykom for me it was necessary to govern for the first time in the life. It is happy, that the work on the new clip allowed me to carry out that, what I has long ago dreamed "- is divided Dima.
And flew the giddy hours of surveys...
Certainly, it did not manage also without the "cover plates". With the fulfillment of current trick Dima did not manage control, it were not entered in the turning and at the speed collapsed from the motorcycle.
On one of the days were removed the scenes with the participation of the bone Of tszyu. famous to entire peace "killer with face of child" it played the role of trainer Dimy. Sorcerer thoroughly was prepared for the surveys with the superstar of the professional boxing: after arriving into the sports club three hours prior to the beginning of work, Dima found there real trainer and asked to teach to it the express- course of boksinga.
For the elongation of several it is hour without leisure Of kodun diligently were repeated after the trainer all motions and impacts. To tszyu, Dima to much already learned by arrival on area, than it deserved the enthusiastic compliments of champion.