Welsh can be really hard if you've never heard it before ll does NOT an 'el' sound ch does NOT make a 'chuh' sound u = e f = v ff = f dd = th si = sh w = oo y = uh
It takes effort to learn this language but it is worth it!!! Welsh is the oldest living language in Europe but is only spoken by about 30% of people in Wales
BASICS S'mae (shmy) - hello or Hêlo (hello) Sut wyt ti? (sit oi-t ti) - how are you, to someone you know Dw i'n... (duh-ween) - I/I am... Da - good Drwg (droog) - bad Ble wyt ti'n byw? (bler oi-t teen biw) - Where do you live? Dw i'n byw yn... (un) - I live in... Cymru (cumrie) - Wales Lloegr (lloigrr) - England Groeg (groig) - Greece Yr Iseldiroedd (er eesel-diroith) - Netherlands America - " Twrci (toor-key) - Turkey
Welsh is celtic and its nearest relatives are Scotish/Irish Gaelic Welsh does not come from latin or greek like most others, its so old it comes from an old language called Gaulish which pre-dates latin
I happen to know of a large welsh group in N. America called 'NAWR' (its an abbreviation but its also welsh for now) so maybe you'd like to look into it? (or am i being too hopeful?!?!?)
I was always taught it was a baby language because its not as strict as other languages and in some cases the grammar is much easier describing things was weird for me in welsh i would say gwallt du which literally means hair black and in english u must say black hair which confused me a lot!!!
yes i have that with a lot of languages where you say words in different orders but i am used to it now. and liam do you speak english or welsh in everyday life in school. also i think english is an easy language to learn but the spelling is hard because you there are so many silent letters like the silent k in knife and stuff
i am in an english education school so mostly english but i have friends in and out school i can speak welsh to and as for silent letters, that took me a long time to get used to! especially with k bcos its not in the welsh alphabet :$