Yesterday when I checked the site for voting Dimka was 15th from 107 singers and groups but then his fans still didn't know about this voting but now when we know Dima is 3th PLACE.Dima's fans are THE BESTbecause we really suport him and we vote and vote!!!!So we can make Dima to beFIRST PLACE !!!These awards are on international level and are very important so we all should vote!!!!I read that only 10-20 singers and groups will be chosen from all 107 that are now on the list for voting!!!!
So guysKEEP VOTING FOR DIMKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-- Edited by Borce on Monday 19th of October 2009 01:08:08 PM
Countin' 1, 2, 3 KOLDUNOSPEARS 4 LIFE!!!! Livin' in sin is the new thing (yeah)
NEW VOTING: VOTE FOR DIMA FOR THE SONG"SOMEBODY'S LOVING YOU" ON " T!P-TOP 20" ON PILOT-FM: Dima is 3th place now and he beat Whitney Houston,Lady Gaga,Mariah Carey and many others who are after him Let's make him 1st place because Dimka and the LOVELY song"Somebody's Loving You" 100% deserve that!!!!!!
-- Edited by Borce on Wednesday 4th of November 2009 08:54:19 AM
Countin' 1, 2, 3 KOLDUNOSPEARS 4 LIFE!!!! Livin' in sin is the new thing (yeah)
Dima was added on the list yesterday so his debut at 23th place(yesterday he was also 19) from 47 songs is great but we are here to make him to be in the top 10 and of course we can make him 1st place if we active vote for Dimka!!!