and translated text. sorry for lame translation, but that's what I got from translator.
Antenna, 30 (595) On July 21 to 27
White " [bumer]" it rolls itself under the window.
Dmitriy [Koldun] arrived into Vitebsk on the [neskromnom] snowy cabriolet BMW.
- Only three thousand kilometers of [nakatal]. Outstanding toy: GPS- navigator, on-board computer one hundred thousand dollars, bragged Dmitriy.
The singer so did not meet with brother [Zhoroy], although according to the program the artists appeared during one day. They speak, the cat has long ago run between them, and now they barely associate. Georgiy knew that [Dima] will appear in the amphitheater any minute now, but it hurried to leave into Minsk to the encounter with the brother.
plus still there is the photo " [Bumer]" +[Dima] in the red jacket and the signature Jeep of " [Toyota]" Sorcerer broke; therefore [avtopvrk] it was necessary to renew. In Vitebsk it cut on [neskromnom] BMW for $100 000.
-- Edited by silhouetteofthenight at 16:52, 2008-07-23