Driven provided. -- Hi. -- Hi. -- Look at Dimy in the hands of weapons. What is it you are doing here? -- And here is what we learn to shoot. The life I have become complicated, so it is necessary. -- So, from that moment on the details. -- The attackers often try to beat. -- Yes you that, right? -- A still very much want to go hunting with a gun hunt. -- Who is it? -- On the hunt will be detractors. -- Yeah, it is understandable. And I thought, could it as something connected with the army? I heard that you like both are going to take away. -- No, I'm still a student, I am well, so I like how postponement (and very nice smiles) -- And then? -- And then, I can, illnesses anything from me. -- Ie will braid from the army. -- Well, I will not spit, I generally diligent people (potiraet forehead) and is always ready to serve, well, little whether that can happen. -- Well you, I see, does not burn desire. -- No, well, that I very much want the army, want a (good with a smile smirk) -- Poznakom, please, with the instructor. -- That's where Constantine - this instructor -- It is very pleasant, and I Simona .. today will show you how to shoot, where to shoot -- Why -- And why. -- Odnoznachno -- We will shoot from the present or toy pistol? -- Naturally, from this, (reference to Dime) not only turns, please, Simon, but it will miss us. -- So, this is dangerous I, I must depart, which is hiding -- Well, yes. Affairs there will be bad. (Smiles) -- This Margoarova pistol, it created a blind Russian armourer, after lost his eyesight, he did it to the touch. -- A shooting it there, where necessary, that is his blind man invented. -- On where to send, and there will be fire. -- Well, I know how many, with such weapons do not go hunting, yes, there are such weapons for what? -- This is the sport pistol. -- So you go with such weapons? -- Of course, necessarily go. -- On the wild boar. -- Well any bird kill. -- You do not feel sorry for birds? -- I feel sorry for, and what to do, we should f someone to kill. -- What is this such a purpose? -- When you go hunting need someone to kill. -- I had about you quite a different impression, but then someone beat, pristrelit since the morning. -- Well, today we will not kill anybody, today we just shoot. (sweet smile and very good) Then and instructed his firing when he shot he was very focused on the target. Then they all come together to target -- Purpose exactly in the head or so? -- Well, if I am not an end in the head, where I got b.? -- Random four hit in the head, yes. Then again demonstrated when Dima shoots once again. -- The moment that weapons are not habitual, when a man shoots continuously from a single weapon of course it is more convenient. When there is still no unusual shearing hammer with a little more happening sheptala variation than needed. Ie to play a little bit, and it would be very good accuracy. -- Well, Dim share their impressions, as you liked to shoot? -- Well, I shoot well, I was told that I shoot well, so I think that with me not to communicate better. -- Of the pistol, as we found out you shoot well, but as the eyes, you can shoot? -- Well you know, of course, I shoot, but from a pistol at a lot better, that is eyes may be another cause of human feeling. -- Well, another feeling about how many girls for the evening, well, for instance, can seduce? -- Well sitting at home, probably none, well, because basically one sitting at home. By the way, we will now go there and A well at all, well, frankly, once all by itself produced. -- What are your plans today? -- Well-general, then, of course, I would wish to go home. And then the evening might be somewhere to escape and kill someone. -- To have an idea obsession today, I see, with you simply dangerous to stay. -- No, with me safely, but without me it is dangerous. Because I can be on the other side and then -- And no, that is, you can now protect the same, if that, so we are with you all day today. Edem to you home? -- Of course, gone. -- Poyekhali. Then they were caught in a cafe. -- Well, we were riding, were travelling, but did not reach home Dimy, decided to have a first. -- Yes, wanted something skushat, now I have a little solki pokleval. -- A perchika? -- Perchika? No, I do not like. -- And what do you usually like to have? -- I usually like eating dumplings, I do not know why, that's probably from childhood left me. -- Well, until we have a meal, I ask you a few questions from our viewers and then you choose the most interesting you most like and something that we give to these people. -- Of course. -- Good. -- And so:
Dima, whether you think a star, whether you set yourself goals and whether they always reached? (Julia) -- I consider myself more actor than a star, the challenge was to achieve popularity. -- And how are you now using its popularity? -- Yes, I will now take its popularity. I can now afford to order dumplings, rather than making them himself. -- Ty - super, you have God as much fan. And you respond to their feelings? When you saw, understood that such love. My heart zadrebezzhalo, blushed cheeks. Dima, I love you. -- I am not sure whether the fan God. But very pleased to hear this, of course. -- Ie you pleased when you compare with God? -- No, not at the fact that this is a well belong to me. With God, I hardly something that is common. Because he did God, and I people. -- That is, the star of illness last stage you do not, all is well? -- No, I penultimate stage. I think I just knee vaccine and resist. -- Ie is not all lost, even people not lost to us. -- Nothing we do not need a human, not alien to us. -- Who of Hollywood stars would you like to spend the night? (Katya) -- Well in bed (schuritsya one eye, very nice) hardly someone you know, but probably with with Bredom Pitom be happy hunting would converge somewhere. -- A night with a kebab posidel with whom? -- Well, I do not know, perhaps with Angelina Jolie. -- What would you there with her there spoke for kebab? -- About kebab, probably, as they marina. -- I think it would have told a lot about this topic. -- She knows a lot about this, I know. -- What was your first sex? -- This was normal, on the roof (not just said no and no less embarrassed in the person). -- On the roof of what? -- The multi-roof houses. -- Why do you poesh one, and the same song? -- I wrote one song. And the same is not done from those who simply otkopirovali it. -- And now all this tortured song. -- And now it turns out, my one song is now called the same. But it is really very sad. -- You would like to depart into space? (Ksyu, Petrozavodsk) -- I have not ever thought about it, but would like in old age would have their own shuttle. -- But now there is a possibility to pay the money and fly tourist. -- And what do there, there is no air, no fire there razozhzhesh. -- A possibility is to pay? -- Home is spiritual wealth rights, in principle, spiritual wealth, probably enough for me to pay. -- A childhood whom you wanted to be? -- A childhood, I dreamed to be a doctor. I, the fact is that when I was little, worked on the farm and I cleaned off is all that they are there for nasorili in general. -- Here's see what Dima was engaged in early childhood. -- Yes, I cleaned off all this. And then once I hit a cow hooves, and I have since decided that cattle treated, I will not. -- Dima, you have a girl? -- At this stage I am available. -- That is, there is a chance for girls on the other side of the screen. -- Well, there is always a chance, I spoke at school, but he just big or small it is a thing more. -- My love to you gently, as these clouds in the sky. Dima, what girls do you prefer? -- What I prefer girls? That's like a girl, and now prefer, actually. -- And you call that a sorcerer? Koldovat ? -- My grandfather, he was originally from Ukraine, there are such places in Zaporizhia, where it has lived sorcerer as a surname, those. As the family is a family witches. And from that went surname. -- You would have agreed to advertise a means to enhance male potency Koldun? -- I would be first tested this means in reality, because to deal with advertising, we must believe in what you reklamiruesh. -- Dima, but as you can chat with you? (Kristina, Carpathians) -- Can e-mail. You can through my site. - Otvechaesh you, not someone for you? - Someone is responsible for me everywhere except my site. Because nowhere, except my site, I, in principle, does not appear. So if someone correspond with Koldun to other sites note that this divorce. -- Your brother quickly won the stage. You are helping him, or vice versa consider it their competitor? -- Of course, I help my brother, because, first, he had my brother. The human competition we do not, it was not, could not be otherwise. With regard to music, perhaps it to be, but it's even interesting. -- Well ahead, choose the most like you question. -- A lot of questions today was remarkable, but "Dima, I love you" is all the same warm. Thank you great, I love you all, too. Dimka plakatik be reached with the image rights, in which he shot today -- Somewhere I saw it today. -- Yes, this man attacked me today in the dash, he penetration liver, lungs, heart, head, so I think that the more harm it does not cause, but for memory, I think, will remain. (Dimka left autograph at this plakatike).
The program "Prizvezdilis" with Koldun (Part II)
The program "Prizvezdilis" with Koldun (Part II)
Leading Dima and sit on sofas at home Dimy. -- At Moscow's traffic jams we have reached Diminoy apartments, houses. I see you not to part with a pistol, with weapons at all. -- And that I brought to tidy o from the dash, has not been seen. But I think that the instructor did not grievance to me. (U Dimki in the hands pistoletik, but it's more than from which he fired in the dash; he aims his camera, and then removes ago). -- It is understandable. Tell about his apartment. -- Well, now I live here, actually, sometimes at night here, sometimes not .. but in general -- A true now, I read that you lived three days in the car. -- Frankly, I had such a desire to live in a car, simply because I have been expelled from their homes. -- Who you were expelled? -- Zlymi neighbours they did not like that I sang. Especially in the soul, when seen there good acoustics, you know it. They put the evil dog, tied to handle my apartment, and she did not give me the door open, so I lived in the car. -- Clearly, a long flat you appear? -- This piecemeal apartment, my grandfather brought me from Berlin. Soldiers carried banners fascist, but now he was carrying bricks from Berlin, sex is, incidentally, is made of boards, which were lying in the Reichstag. Leading Dima and are near the cabinet, and Dima remove one of the hanger with costumes, which in tsellofane -- Well, here is what concerns costumes. These costumes were remarkable, remarkable them here a few species. -- Which heavy belt, it is not hard for you to wear? -- Well are from dogs discourage. (Shows tag on the jacket). Especially for Koldun. -- And a lot of clothes so you shesh on order. -- Of course a lot (and this puts kurtochku) I have all the sewing on the job and even gum. -- A leather whips you have? -- Leather whips? You know me quite recently detained police officers, and leather whips, I was removed as edged weapons. Still, not every day you want to catch criminals, as some would like fun sometimes. A leather whips, it seems to me, an ideal solution. -- And what costume you most prefer? -- I have everything, but most favorite piece of clothing, it's perhaps, is this belt. -- Another heavy belt. -- Yes, belt, it is very helpful in cases when it comes to flee from someone else, because it can be reset and then runs much faster. And here is written DK, this is not a house of culture, it Koldun. -- Are you now going to a party. What do you nadenesh? -- At the party I will be dressed in principle strictly (and puts on the head of any "shapochku-kepochku" zelenenkuyu). -- And what is this party? -- And this, it means that the male party journal. -- Any such kind of magazines? I look, there you pleyboy valyaetsya. -- And this is not my case that (And so nice smiles, otmazyvayas). -- Dedushkiny? -- The fact is that, in reality they are simply here once appeared, it may be spam? -- Otmazalsya, all right. They go in the bedroom. -- This is your bedroom? -- Well, as if yes, I call it like it is a place for recreation, sleep. -- And why pink walls? Usually girls in pink walls of the bedrooms. -- You know, that's grandfathers were among some views in the world, so he brought it pink walls, pink bricks and had to leave. Here in this chair, I always feel some small Dog. (Dima sits on the stool and says). Usually small dogs have any baskets, all fluffy and they sit there. And feel fully protected by the owner. But because the owner no -- A landowner who? -- Well, no owner, that is why now as a sad dog, but which feels very good now here is, for example, pink Gilt. -- Where did it you who podlozhil? -- When I seen home, she was standing about like this in front of my door. And I decided to take it. -- Uborkoy himself occupied or someone you help? -- Do not like when someone just comes to my house, a strange man, and then begins to take things into my hands, and where is included. -- Gladish himself too? -- Yes, I board, generally, the board glazhu himself. (and ironing board hand) -- Hand? -- This is now hand. But calms nerves. In fact utyuzhit nothing to me particularly because all either break or dirty. -- This is a big washing consequences? (Leading points to the pants, sit on a closet) -- No, I just did not have to remove. The thing is that I always dreamt of a white cabinets, which will orography pants. The leading and Dima moved to the kitchen. -- Using this pieces? (The leading points to the plate). You can even cook on it? -- Well, yes. Push, it means all, as in the car. Clicked, turned, well, sometimes with a third factory times. -- And what do you usually ready here? -- Usually I'm here preparing kipyatok. I filled a full kettle of water and kipyachu it until it disappears, and where there is already enough steam, I take the broom and start steam. The leading and Dima moved to the refrigerator. -- Here you see as the most necessary. Cheese, sauce. -- Mayonnaise, with many in large numbers. -- Mayonnaise, oil, it means that ... I sometimes smeared here, just a door, she bit poskripyvaet. -- And that is smeared than that? (Leading reached from the refrigerator cup with something red and liquid). -- Well this is actually my innermost, ask why not touch. (Dima, she takes this cup and putting it back). -- A nearly empty refrigerator. -- Well, my refrigerator is actually masking. Because there is a secret manhole to neighbours, and I can everything that I need to eat, eat there. -- So now, actor, star, but to the neighbors to eat. -- And yet I have this wonderful loaf. -- They also kill someone, you can. -- Yes this is actually okame
-- Frankly, I had such a desire to live in a car, simply because I have been expelled from their homes. -- Who you were expelled? -- Zlymi neighbours they did not like that I sang. Especially in the soul, when seen there good acoustics, you know it. They put the evil dog, tied to handle my apartment, and she did not give me the door open, so I lived in the car.
Ah damn neighbours, how they could possibly not like him singing, he sings too good! it's really mean from them to tie this dog in front of his apartment there so he couldn't get in.
when was he interviewed for this? i like it. is there a video of it?
Your welcome, there's no video that I know, it was just on a liveinternet page. It is mean to stop him singing, he has a great voice and it's horrible to have to live in a car. (unless it's his new really nice bmw)