So, I finished making these two posters I promised - I hope you guys like them. Not much to say, above is a poll, and let me know what you think.
by me: [click on the image to see it in full size]
by Heleen - full size is in Heleen's thread.
btw guys if you'd like to have that text in your own language we can do that to. but you have to tell me how to write in your language so I can change the text xD and poster doesn't necessarily have to be in color - you can print it out as black and white.
these are the posters we were tealking about that you can go around your town a little and stick them to some visible places. or in the school if you have news board you can pin it there too, or you can even throw it in some lockers xP - actually anywhere that you want and that you think lots of people go by
I will do that.I asked one friend and she will help me to pin the posters in all Skopje and I will pin also in the wall of my school!!!Also i'm thinking to make some cards with that poster amd to put them on cars.
Countin' 1, 2, 3 KOLDUNOSPEARS 4 LIFE!!!! Livin' in sin is the new thing (yeah)
That is great Heleen.I think that puting the posters in our school will help a lot because our schools are full with kids who are watching ESC and who maybe liked Dima on ESC and want to know something more about him .My school is the bigest in Macedonia so imagine how many students will see the poster and of course Dima!!!
Countin' 1, 2, 3 KOLDUNOSPEARS 4 LIFE!!!! Livin' in sin is the new thing (yeah)
haha i print at school too for free. and this is a really great idea, i'll myspace comment people with a pic of the poster too and make a youtube video about it.
Guys we must to everything to promote Dima.That is our obligation like his fans!!!
It's a little bit Out-Topic,but I believe that I start promote Dima in France Since I've put a French label on my YouTube channel, a lot of people from France come to watch my Dima's vids, and some of them subscribe to my vids I'm so happy