lool tayanaIV I bursted into laughter when I read his email address there, cause if you translate it in our language except 'zovut' which is for name in russian, but in croatian it's similar so I could understand it.. and 'est' which could be 'I' in misspeled slovene slang (jest) --welll, this in our translation would translate to - uhh, mommy, my name is Silva hahah=D
It doesn't matter about that Miranda. If he replies to more of us then we can write to him again about the forum.
I wrote to him about answering questions from all of us here, but didn't get reply so I just won't bother him again..maybe he replies some other time..
guys look what I did. I sent this message to Dima and if he replies I think this is a great idea. what do you think?
here's message I sent:
Subject: a kind suggestion to make it easier for you to reply to all the messages from us fans at once x]
Hi there Dima!
It's great to see you here on the forum. You were great at Scorpions concert - I really love it when you sing live! x] well, I won't write too long message, cause I believe by now you have already been bombarded with private messages so I have a suggestion here My name is Sneana and I run this website for all your fans internationally --> http://www.dmitrykoldunfansinternational.co.nr and lots of fans from english forum would like to ask you a question (obviously xD) so, I was thinking if you could maybe take time - a few minutes to answer all our questions in one message? I'd collect all questions from the fans internationally and send them here to you and tell those guys they should be patient, cause it's definitely easier for you to answer all the questions in one message than going back and forth and answering one by one - I want to do this, cause I know you're a busy man so it would take you just a few minutes to answer our questions in one message. Let me know if you agree and I'll talk with the guys on english forum. You can even put questions that guys already sent to you and answer them all in one in your message and I'll post them on the website for all the fans to see them. So actually this would be like a mini interview for your international fans website plus it would save your time. Sounds great, right? I hope I receive back your reply and that I wasn't asking for too much - I'm talking in the name of all your fans internationally.
Cheers, Snezana
Really GREAT message Snezana!!I hope that he will have time and read that lovely message!!!BTW when I sent him the links I wrote that the international site was created by your fan Snezana from Slovenia!!!
Aww thank you Borce! x] I really hope he understood/will understand what I wrote to him, cause I didn't get reply till now and it was about 3 or 4 days ago that I sent it.
Ellen Dima said in some interview that the songs will be all new but also the album will have few old songs!!!Also he wrote half of them and the other half other composers from Russia and Belarus!!!
-- Edited by Borce at 15:22, 2008-11-18
Countin' 1, 2, 3 KOLDUNOSPEARS 4 LIFE!!!! Livin' in sin is the new thing (yeah)