Borce wrote: I think that he was jokeing with her and he put it
but it's not the first time when he has wear this
Yeah I know but I think that in that situation he was jokeing because the hat was funny put on his headAnd I love that hat Nadia!!!He really don't use so much hats.I think that is not his style!!!
Countin' 1, 2, 3 KOLDUNOSPEARS 4 LIFE!!!! Livin' in sin is the new thing (yeah)
Dima's translaton interview from yes!zvezdy magazine no48 (from google translator) "The band is white, black stripe" ( "YES! Stars" 48). March 2009.
Dima Koldun in his life put more than one peak. Won the «Star Factory-6», took the highest place in the «Eurovision» for the Republic of Belarus ... But every time his hopes for continued success to face the harsh reality. And had to start all over again. Before the release of debut album Dima Koldun remembered how white stripe in his life alternated with black. And every time he had to fight for his dream.
OF WHITE When I won the «Star Factory-6», I thought that for me has finally been opened up those prospects, which I have always dreamed of. As I now begin a career solo artist and will be able to share with people what I always wanted to share: his creativity, his music, his songs. This was an incredible feeling ... I felt that I stand at the beginning of a long journey, which is brightly illuminated by the sun and where there is not the slightest hint of clouds.
OF FERROUS But after the tour ended in «Star Factory», my producer Victor Drobysh declared us with Sasha Gurkovoy that we are now going to sing in the group of «KGB». This was not exactly what I wanted. However, there was a contract. Victor Ya, of course, say that I can abandon the «proposal», but in this case, it would cease to work with me. It is clear that nothing good from with «K.G.B.» failed. Neither I nor Sasha did not want to sing in a group. In addition, we are by the nature of the two leaders. And it was very difficult to get on with together. The audience did not particularly understand the meaning of the ideas. We just came for some concerts and have spoken with a single song. New things we did not write. Take them, it was nowhere. Of course, we brought Sasha with some own material, but no one was going to write. We have not worked. It was in this period, I decided to try my hand in the qualifying round of the contest «Eurovision».
OF WHITE Victor Drobysh long resisted my decision, but he still agreed. And even found me for a song contest any finov. It was assumed that in my performance, it will be called Get Up. But when to take part in Belarusian finals was one day, the Internet has information that song, which I found Drobysh already appeared on the album of a Finnish group. In fact, this meant that my hopes were dashed, because they speak in «Eurovision» with previously published song should not be. I was in shock. Drobysh called, it turned out he was not aware of the situation. The song had to withdraw from the contest. I do not want to believe it. But I realized one thing - an urgent need to do something. I have a song «Angel Dream», which I myself once wrote. Have nothing to lose it. Because the timing of songs exceeds doustimuyu rule, I had to edit it. I have accelerated the pace of the song in the simplest audio editor, cut loose by the vocals recorded in a basement studio and, as such, carried on television. I think you can imagine how all this «sound»! But I had to act - and I risknul.Konechno, I realized how low my chances for victory in the semifinals, compared to other contestants, but I saved the audience vote. I knew that they would not vote for my «Song», but Dimu Koldun - winner «Star Factory». I am grateful to all those who then provided me the confidence and support me. Either way, I won the finals in the Republic of Belarus.
OF FERROUS To win in the final qualifying contest «Eurovision» I had to find a new song, because «the angel dream» there was nothing to do. Victor Drobysh promised to find me a new song somewhere in America, went to the States and gone ... Began New Year's holidays, and of Victor was not news. Dates coming to an end, but I did not have the song, which could make the final selection round.
OF WHITE In the midst of holidays in one of the clubs, I met Philip Kirkorov. We were familiar with him ever since «factory» times he spoke duo. I told him about how the situation was. Then Philip said that he has a few songs. Listened to some songs, we chose Work Your Magic. The truth then it was just a «fish»: napetym arrangement with her motive. But I really liked it and we started to work. This song brought me victory in the finals of the contest «Eurovision» - round «Eurovision-2007». And then suddenly appeared Drobysh and did not let me in «Eurovision». He told me: «We are afraid that you are ill to speak. You're not ready. We have already had negative experiences with Podolskaya ». At this point, so much has already been done and passed ... and by refusing to participate, I would put all of: Philip, his country, the people who voted for me ... Negotiations Production Center, and the Belarusian TV lasted three days. And Drobysh still managed to persuade. Never in all the time while we were preparing to Philip room, went to the promo-tour of 15 countries, he never declared. Viktor Yakovlevich arrived in Helsinki for two days before the competition.
OF FERROUS After I returned from the «Eurovision», taking sixth place, I was at the meeting of the shareholders of the National Music Corporation (NMK) - with this organization I have signed a contract - and said: we have decided that you are working with Drobyshev . The choice had to be made of the two producers - Alexandra Luneva and Maxim Fadeev. Then I'm confused. Ceased to understand what is happening ... Journalists are bombarded with, and I had nothing to answer them. I just went and went for two weeks in Minsk. Back, and then on the music channels show duel Kirkorov and Drobysh ... A fault, it turns out, I ...
OF WHITE Alexander Lunev liked me right away. Even at that memorable meeting of shareholders, he appeared in the T-shirt with the inscription «ROCK»! I thought: At last! This person will engage in the normal music, but not infinite plywood chesom. In addition, Alexander Lunev wrote though by that time had a lot of hits (for example, Dima Bilan), was a newcomer among the producers. I was the first ward. And I thought that working on their first project producer, Alexander will make every effort for its promotion. Regarding Maxim Fadeev, onn famous primarily as the creator of the image of the artist. And I have the image already was. And I do not like it radically changed. Yes the same from Fadeyev had enough of their projects.
OF FERROUS Honestly, I do not know why we never had with Alexander. Apparently, we have quite a different idea what should be the Dima Koldun on stage. Perhaps, Alexander devoted himself composers cases. Just wanted to have all-everything-all. We, of course, that is recorded, even removed the clip for the song «Queen», but there was a feeling that we just Topchiev on the ground. It was even named the date of presentation of the album, which, however, postponed three or four times. The last plate had planned to present on June 11 - my birthday. But a couple of days before the presentation, I came on tour to Moscow, and here I ogoroshili news. Some friends called and said: «Dima, but you know that your presentation lifted ?...» How?! Then I call Luneva, as he began a conversation with the words «you probably already told ...». Who said and why? In this presentation, people were going to come from different regions of Russia. And not only. What I would look them in the eye? Here is a gift and get me to the birthday and all those who waited for the album. The situation was complicated, but I decided: others should not suffer. Found club and, as planned, they gathered all their fans, but as an apology and compensation to sing songs with a guitar. Left the warmth and soul. But after this situation, it became clear that with Alexander, we are no longer able to work. Fortunately, we parted without a scandal in the Pacific. However, since last year, since our last conversation, we are with him and not talking. About Philip Kirkorov can say this: it is - one of my producers, which allowed me to perform his song and did not require it for any fall-back. Despite the fact that too many people wanted us to split. We communicate with Philip to this day.
OF WHITE I, of course, was terrible depression. I can not even tell you how how was able to cope with it. I switched off the phone, again went to the home town ... Do not wish to experience what I experienced. Fortunately, one of the visits to Moscow, I talk to Sasha Astashenkom a group of «roots». It turned out that he has accumulated a lot of home equipment, which would be enough to equip a good studio. We started to look for a place. Found. Sasha helped me with finding musicians. We recently completed the renovation of the studio and managed to record almost all music. Soon finished recording the vocal part and eventually released his first record. Plate, which I decided that I should sing. I now fully retracted fonogrammnyh concerts and I can afford to play the music that I want. To behave as it seems right. Being so Dima Koldun how I was. Despite the differences that have arisen in the past, I am grateful to all those people with whom I had to work. Undoubtedly, everyone I have something to learn. And now ... You will not believe it, but I have never been so happy. And I never felt so good.
ok, i guess it's wrong from the translator.. it's so bad the part which he talks when lunev canceled the presentation of the album and he has to say it to the friends
ok, i guess it's wrong from the translator.. it's so bad the part which he talks when lunev canceled the presentation of the album and he has to say it to the friends
Thanks for postingOh yeah that part is very sadbut I'm glad that now he is alone and he can do what he wants with his album!!!If Lunev is now next to me I really couldn't control myself
"You will not believe it, but I have never been so happy. And I never felt so good" Oh yeah for me the best part of the interview because we all want he to be happy because he deserve that more that anyone else!!!
Countin' 1, 2, 3 KOLDUNOSPEARS 4 LIFE!!!! Livin' in sin is the new thing (yeah)
Good point YbetI agree because in this interview is all his music carier till now only the awards that he won are missing so yeah we all now that he is more happy now and that is really great to know!!!!
-- Edited by Borce at 00:01, 2009-02-28
Countin' 1, 2, 3 KOLDUNOSPEARS 4 LIFE!!!! Livin' in sin is the new thing (yeah)