Hey guys, it's been a while! Been mega busy with University work, etc but now I need your help! As part of my Welsh project, Cymru a'r Gystadleuaeth Cân Eurovision, (Wales and the Eurovision Song Contest) I am conducting a survey to find out what people think about Eurovision and the relationship between the UK/Wales and Eurovision. I would be very grateful if people would take the time to fill out the survey - you can post answers here or email me at lct9@aber.ac.uk
To respond, write a personal response where it says [...] and write a, b or c where possible.
1. Where do you come from? (Country - for UK please specify England, Wales, etc.) [...]
2. Do you watch the Eurovision Song Contest? a. Always b. Sometimes c. Never
3. Do you like the ESC? Why? [...]
4. What do you think of the UK in the ESC? Suggestions: * Is the UK successful? * Could the UK win in future? In 2010? * What do you think of British Eurovision songs? [...]
5. Do you watch/vote in UK preselection shows? a. Always b. Sometimes c. Never
6. Should (or could) Wales be represented in Eurovision? Why? [...]
7i. If you could choose the UK representative in Eurovision, who would you choose? [...]
7ii. Who would you choose to represent Wales? [...]
8. Do you think a song sang in Welsh would make people more aware of the Welsh language/culture? a. Yes b. No
9. Will you be watching ESC 2010? Why? a. Yes b. Maybe c. No [...]
Big ask, probably unnecessary, but if you CAN speak Welsh please reply to the following questions INSTEAD:
1. O ble ydych chi'n dod? (Gwlad - Os DU ysgrifennwch Cymru, Lloegr, ayb) [...]
2. A ydych chi'n gwylio'r Gystadleuaeth Cân Eurovision (CCE)? a. Wastod b. Ambell waith c. Byth
3. A ydych chi'n hoffi'r CCE? Pam? [...]
4. Beth ydych chi'n meddwl am DU yn CCE? Awgrymiadau: * A yw hi'n llwyddiannus? * Gallai hi'n ennill yn y dyfodol? Yn 2010? * Beth ydych chi'n meddwl am y caneuon mae hi'n anfon i Eurovision? [...]
5. A ydych chi'n gwylio/pleileisio yn y sioeau rhagddetholiad DU? a. Wastod b. Ambell waith c. Byth
6. Dylai (neu gallai) Cymru yn cael ei chynrichioli yn CCE? Pam? [...]
7i. Pe gallwch dewis yr artist(iaid) i gynrychioli DU yn Eurovision, pwy byddech yn dewis? [...]
7ii. Pwy byddech dewis i gynrychioli Cymru yn Eurovision? [...]
8. A ydych chi'n meddwl y byddai cân Gymraeg yn wella ymwybyddiaeth o Gymraeg a diwylliant Cymru? a. Byddai b. Ni fyddai
9. A fyddwch chi'n gwylio CCE 2010? Pam? a. Byddaf b. Efallai c. Ni fyddaf [...]