We learned too about the dawn of the Cyril alphabet:P the ancient Hungarian people had an alphabet too, but we use now the Latin alphabet :D( this alphabet):D:D:D
It's funny when you're at school and there is somebody which can read russian or greek letters too ;D You can write messages to them during the lessons, and when the teacher sees the messages, he can't understand a word =D
I've done that once, there was a boy from Russia in my class too, and we wrote little letters like: How are you? Have you the Homework? And the teachers always wanted these letters to read them, but they didn't understand a word, lol!
yes i do that with different alphabets with my friends, sometimes i want teachers to find the notes so that they don't understand and i can have a funny moment lolz
yes! like sometimes when i have a good idea about something, but then i totally forget it! arghh! its so annoying!
Thats the cool Julia! I wish i knew someone Russian!
wait.. I actually do! lol but shes in a different year. shes called Olga
I have a couple of friends who are macedonian, two of my friends are greek, ones indian, one Austrian, ones italian, ones Japanese... lol I could go on forever lol
but yea, I have friends from all over the world! including everyone on here!!!