Well we still don't know 100% if it's true, because we always read different things in different interviews because the translators aren't very good so it's hard to know.
i dont understand something.does dimas father died or not.i think that he is died. and i heard but sure that dimas father is from bulgaria,my fried at my school say to meaa!! so dima ia a middle belarussian and a midle bulgarian!1111!1!
Dima's dad died exactly.But Dima's dad is not from Bulgaria. He is from Ukraine,because Dima said at one interview, that his(Dima's)roots is from Ukraine.
i think tht is george!but i know his father is from bulgaria.im not sure.,maybe.but george is like his futher.i think dima is like his mother! i dont like his father and i think that dima and his father have/had a contraction.i think!!