Vond ze alle drie heel zwaar tegenvallen in vergelijking met studioversie. Marija mist uitstraling, Koldun blijft niet om aan te horen en Olivia is te schreeuwerig.
this means: they were all three very bad, marija misses performance, koldun sings very ugly and olivia screams to much
maar Wit-Rusland zag er echt creepy uit. Ben bang dat hij slecht gaat scoren als hij niet iets doet aan zijn act en uiterlijk.
this means: but belarus looked very creepy, I am afraid that he will do bad in the contest if he doesn't change his act and looks
those people are IDIOTS They don't desirve to discuse about.In Macedonia have good coment about him every one who I ask told me that he was the best on Eurovision so ones again IDIOTS
Countin' 1, 2, 3 KOLDUNOSPEARS 4 LIFE!!!! Livin' in sin is the new thing (yeah)