You have so cool brothers and sisters! My brothers don't know who he is, and when I tell them who he is they forgot it after 5 minutes again :'( And there is the wife of my older brother, she is my worst enemy, grrrrrrrrr!
okay so i've just spent ages looking for pics of everyone. i have pics for betul, caroline, leanne, ybet, ecem, heleen and sister, hilary, miranda, stefi and ela.
if your name isn't there you need to put a picture of you here. and i need a message to go with your picture from caroline, heleen, hilary, miranda, stefi and ela please! THANK YOU!
and this is my message: Dear Dima,happy 23th birthday! I wish you all the best in your career and may you have everything you wish in your life. Thanks for the great music you're giving to us and remember K.F.C love you! *Work your magic* With loads and loads of love: Leanne