his answer could only mean two things: either he is really in love, or as "I suppose" I'd say more as he meant "Yes, spring is time for being in love so yeah I COULD be.." if you get what I mean... x] that's how I understood cause I don't know, I think if he had a gf atm and he was asked if he's in love he'd probably just say yes or something..that "I suppose" somehow didn't convince me lol But either way, if he's in love and didn't wanted to answer directly, I'm happy for him cause he deserves someone who'd love him, BUT someone that would love him for being just him as a person not for what he is to the world - famous singer.
also, great to hear our forum is on wikipedia! x]
-- Edited by silhouetteofthenight at 22:19, 2008-07-20
I agree for someone that would love him for being just him as a person not for what he is to the world - famous singer.=) and you calm down, you speak very nice, you know that?;))
I agree for someone that would love him for being just him as a person not for what he is to the world - famous singer.=) and you calm down, you speak very nice, you know that?;))
yeah, I think we all agree on that. x] well, I'm trying my best. xP thank you!