It's always the same with me: Someone takes me to shopping, I don't like anything, the others are so annoyed that they want to run away, I see something, and then I take it in every colour!
Well, I shop online, there's this fashion company from France that sends me a book every new season and I pick whatever I want from there :D If I go shopping I'll drive my mom or sisters nuts, but if I go with my dad he just stands in a corner, when I try something he says "Itlooks great on you" with a smile and lets me buy anything I want. But shopping with my little bro is a nightmare. He's fav phrases:
"Excuse me?? You're actually gonna buy this thing!Totally unfashionable!" "Nah-ah! This shirt doesn't match the shoes you just bought..." "Don't buy one-colored clothes, they are so unfashionable!"
He may not have noticed but he must be a stylist when he grows up
I'm the same when I go shopping, I always buy everything in a a few colours because I never know what I'll wear it with. Everyone hates to shop with me because I look everywhere and I'm so bad at deciding what to buy, that I just buy everything.