Yep Borce it's true. In that interview before Scorpions concert the interviewer asked him why he comes to Belarus so rarely and he said, because he has apartment in Moscow and now they're working on opening a recording studio in Moscow and because he has to rehearse a lot for Rock Opera.
So, recording studio actually is in progress already as I understood from here xD
Yeah and maybe he will write songs also for other singers!!!The studio is really great job for Dima and for his carier because will bring him a lot of money!!!!
Countin' 1, 2, 3 KOLDUNOSPEARS 4 LIFE!!!! Livin' in sin is the new thing (yeah)
it's really cool,that he is registered here because he view,that he really likes him and don't worry Borce when he read you other messages he will know,that you like him