Ybet I thought it would be good to have it up till our christmas as well, but now that's impossible, cause we started a little late plus we have time since they have christmas in january.
I hope we collect many wishes for the video x]
here's mine
I made two, cause I couldn't decide which one to have, so it's up to you to choose the one you think it's better for the video ^^
Victoria (right? xD) it doesn't matter if it has been written already, you can write it again your own way. I'm sure it'll be a little differrent. Just write what you wish to him sincerely and you'll soon have something great to put together. x]
Snezana, in movie maker the letters looks bigger i think and i want to write sth in russian too (A)
but you didnt tell me, if bezrabotnaya liubov good song for the video???
also, i need a pic for the beggining which it says sth like internation fan club KFC, can someone make one?
-- Edited by ybet at 15:47, 2008-12-24
I know, that's why I said I could help you, cause movie maker has big letters. If you want you can send me text in notepad and upload picture you'l use and I'll put your text on the pic in photoshop. x]
about pic for the beginning I have time and I can make it..does it have to be anything special with patterns and such or just plain text a little edited and on black bacground?
sorry about the song, forgot to reply before. I think it would be ok to use it or you could use wym too
what about work your magic ybet? it's not new song anymore, but it's still great and enough magical for such wishes ^^
ok, I'll go make first pic for the video now. btw, thank you x]
ok about letters then, I thought you needed smaller ones! xD I was actually having problems with letters size too, but then I ended up at something that's visible enough to read.