I want to report Ybet. She's overusing her power, and marks posts as spam even though they expressed opinions and they didn't go against the rules. Just because she didn't like them, she simply edited them. That'\s clearly a power abuse.
I want to report Ybet. She's overusing her power, and marks posts as spam even though they expressed opinions and they didn't go against the rules. Just because she didn't like them, she simply edited them. That'\s clearly a power abuse.
im sorry stefi but when u are rude with the members andKoldun, its obvious that u cant continue like that. i made warnings a lot of times, go to an another Forum for ur "freedom of speech".
I wasn't rude towards trhe members, I was dissing Koldun.
Apparently, the moderators of this forum made a wrong choice. No matter how dedicated and a great fan Ybet is, she clearly doesn't have the potential to be a moderator anywhere. Those weren't warnings, hun. You marked the posts you didn't like.
1] You don't have the right to criticise Miranda's choice, she can do whatever she wants. 2] yes, you were rude, with me. 3] Are u Julia Stefi's lower and i didnt know it..? wow
I can't make quotes, since i have already edit ur spam comments. after all, i am one of the moderators and i have the right to edit any comment i have to.
You can edit out some bad words or so, but not the whole comment. If someone doesn't know what's going on they'd have only what we say. Not the posts as proof.
well when someone is criticise the comments of the moderators is very spam. or even better when he says bad comments about the artist which is this forum for. try to come in my situation, i can't leave it like 'nothing happend'
well, I don;t think she should be neutral, according this is a KOLDUN forum and you are saying mean things about him on this forum! so she has to say that you have to stop! that;s what moderators do! so just join a KOLDUN hate forum if you don't like him anymore
Listen, we don't like him, and we wouldn't bother coming on to make fun of him. Personaly, I believe that if you don't like something, you don't bother at all. But we're friends with people here, so we're talking through the general chat.
But some things here seemed a little too much. So we decided to go in the Koldun parts and see how it goes. If an anti-Koldun or so came on, you need to fight, not just edit their posts. If you simply edit they'll keep going. If you fight them, they'll go away. Really now, after we've been best friends, you really thought I was gonna start acting like the girls we used to fight against together? I can hold all the negative comments to myself.
Now, I can go really evil if you want me to. We commented on Koldun, and now you start commenting on Julia and I. Stop
well, I don;t think she should be neutral, according this is a KOLDUN forum and you are saying mean things about him on this forum! so she has to say that you have to stop! that;s what moderators do! so just join a KOLDUN hate forum if you don't like him anymore
Then you should rename it to "Crazed Koldun fangirls unite" and warn people that if you point his mistakes they'll get executed. Now it's you that is breaking the rules, I never insulted a member.
A mod MUST be neutral. It's a person that makes sure the forum works well. Critisism must be taken and thought of. Don't be closed minded
I liked him, i still like those songs. But his music changed. Where did the good old Koldun go?
I'm basically proving my point. My opinion will stay with me.
Then you're not ready. You must always fight. In lfe, onlin, everywhere. You like Koldun. Ssay someone else comes calling him names, and she/he won't be as nice as us. What are you gonna do? Delete them? They'll come back.
and what about when someone starts calling him -koldun-potatoe-nose' or whatever else, why..? because we said that we don't cheat from the voting of our forum..! if you will think of it again is really hilarious
Nope, actually we have had the same opinion about the potato nose before (it's a funny story how, it includes Adam so you don't wanna know). And the cheating thing, I told you my opinion, I hate repeating myself. You wanna cheat, go ahead, I just pointed it out