Jade Necklace is available in loose beads and temporarily strung into strands. Loose beads are cheaper, but strand beads have more-uniform drill holes, so will hang better, making them best for necklaces. However,Jade Pendant if you plan on knotting your necklace, then loose beads will do.Most colored jade is dyed, this is usual, and the color doesnt come off. So if you want continuity it is best to purchase all you need for a project in one go. Jade Bangle Jade beads are carved into more different shapes than other stone. Like tiny, fish, bottles, rings, flowers, barrels, hearts, tubes, and many other designs to compliment a necklace or bracelet. Jade is remarkably tough, used by ancient civilizations for axes and weapons.Jade Ring The Aztecs even taxed it. However, because of its smooth texture, it was soon carved into ornaments and jewelry. Chinese jade first arrived in the West during the sixteenth-century, brought from Canton by the Portuguese.Jade Jewelry Today jade continues to be a symbol of love, virtue, and status. It is believed to radiate divine unconditional love and balance the emotions. Held in the hand it can improve judgment silk traders clasped jade while bartering.